Welcome Back, Sal Caldarone! May. 17, 2024

Realogic Co-Founder and Long-Time CEO Sal Caldarone Returns to Realogic as President We’re excited to announce that after several successful, eventful years in the proptech sector, Realogic co-founder and longtime CEO Sal Caldarone is returning to Realogic as our company president. Sal was Realogic’s CEO... Read More »

Common Pitfalls in the Drafting and Management of Tenant Estoppels Mar. 11, 2024

Common Pitfalls in the Drafting and Management of Tenant Estoppels Tenant estoppel certificates are documents used in commercial real estate transactions where a tenant confirms the terms and status of their lease, providing assurance to prospective buyers, lenders, or investors about the lease’s validity and... Read More »

Argus Enterprise Best Practices – Part 2: General Vacancy Jan. 23, 2024

Argus Enterprise Best Practices – Part 2: General Vacancy Welcome to Part 2 in our series on Argus Enterprise best practices. Part 1 was on reviewing Market Rent Inflation. This post is on another critical component of AE models—General Vacancy. General Vacancy in Argus Enterprise... Read More »